History of Islam society in Sevastopol dates back from the old times to 737 and to 1783-1938 and to 1989 -till present time, when the whole Crimea was embraced by Islam. It was followed by the migration of Tartar
Muslim groups returned to their land.
In 1992 was established vakf Collective Enterprise "Science Manufacturing Commerce Firm" for recovery spiritual and material needs of Dini Culture Joining
About that time,
activities were started in 1993, Ali Eminov and others laid the foundation of
the Islamic Center-Sevastopol.
The Sevastopol Mocque restoration activities were started with the help from Turkey which was organized by Professor Dr. Nevzat Yalcintas in 1995.
Later Muslims from Turkey joined in Sevastopol Muslim school, taking
advantage of the presence of a good number of Muslim students at children campuses,
founded the Muslim Association, Turkey.
the beginning the IC Koran study activities centered round the Sevastopol Mosque "Akyar - i - Munevvere". With the close
cooperation of leading Sevastopol Muslims of the time, the Islamiya
was off to a steady start.
In 2000, Sevastopol muslims elected its Head (Mufti) of Islam Culture Joining as a result of the enlarge.Ali Eminov became the Head (Mufti) for them and fulfils the post till present.
Sevastopol Islam Joining published books in Sevastopol and
distributed them freely.
published following: Graf Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Hadises from Prophet Magomet,not entered in Koran";
Hijra calendar 1993 miladi;
and 2011 miladi;
Study to pray;
Speak crimean tartars
The voyages in Sevastopol unknown pages.
will be published: The voyages in Sevastopol unknown pages (second edition);
the unknown known - THE BOOK OF THOUGHTS (Prophets Tree)
This is the
book for every person who is interested in his ancestry history. The author of
The Book managed to show the history of the mankind on the Earth in free and
easy way He relied on the known historical facts and witnesses evidence. The
aim of this book is to draw the attention of the Reader to his past and to
broaden his knowledge in further search of his past.
The manual for self-tuition at Turkish (the short knowledge)
The manual for self - tuition at Arabic (the short knowledge)
Islamic Center - Sevastopol traces its
history to old times, but it was formally re-organized in 1991. A legally
recognized and registered organization, the Center is an independent,
non-commercial and non-political organization of the Muslims in Sevastopol. The
office bearers are elected by the general body. The finances are managed
through donations, aid, membership fees, sale of literature and Islamic objects.